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FX Week

FX Markets


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The industry’s leading source of vital market intelligence for foreign exchange and money market professionals

FX Markets has been the leading information service for the global foreign exchange industry since 1990 – reporting on and analysing the latest market developments and currency forecasts, and people and company moves, as well as providing crucial regulatory updates. It is recognised as the most credible publication in its field.


FX Markets runs annual conferences and awards around the globe

Our events attract delegates from across the foreign exchange market, from buy-side companies to investment banks, market-makers and technology vendors.

Foreign exchange market

With daily volumes in the trillions of dollars, foreign exchange is one of the world’s largest markets and also one of the most dynamic. With ongoing changes in global regulation and trading patterns, market participants need trusted, detailed intelligence and analysis on what this means for their companies, clients and competitors.


Visit FX Markets

Our readership has evolved with the market and addresses banks, the buy side, regulators and corporates.

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Our vertical industry knowledge, coupled with our market-leading brands and events series, mean we can significantly advance your marketing goals

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